What is Tournée Minérale®?

What is Tournée Minérale®?

A glass of wine or a beer after work, after training, during meal preparation… for many, alcohol is part of the routine, sometimes daily. But this regular, sometimes excessive consumption is not devoid of impacts: In Belgium, alcohol consumption is more than 9 liters of pure alcohol/year/inhabitant. The harmful use of alcohol causes 10.5% of…

Flemish Lace History

Flemish Lace History

Delicate and exquisite Flemish lace is an essential attribute of royalty. Flanders has always been renowned for its lace, rivaling Italy in its craftsmanship. The secret of creating these intricate laceworks goes beyond the nimble fingers of lacemakers—Flemish artisans cultivated flax suitable for lace production and possessed the technology to produce ultra-thin linen thread. During…

Antwerp history

Antwerp history

Mentions of the city are found from the 7th century. It is known that he was repeatedly attacked by enemies, and in 863 the city was destroyed by the Normans. Located ninety kilometers from the sea, in the upper reaches of the mouth of the Scheldt, the depth of which allows the passage of ships,…

Squatters occupied a russian “house of spies ” in Amsterdam

Squatters occupied a russian “house of spies ” in Amsterdam

Squatters occupied a building in the southern part of the capital of the Netherlands, which until recently housed the commercial office of the Russian Federation. And this is not just any building, because for years it was supposed to be a cover for Russian spies. “Inside the building, everything breathes espionage,” wrote the Algemeen Dagblad daily. The…

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