Valt de Schengenzone uit elkaar? Nederland voert grenscontroles in

Valt de Schengenzone uit elkaar? Nederland voert grenscontroles in

De controles worden op 9 december opnieuw ingevoerd aan de Nederlandse landgrenzen en blijven zes maanden van kracht, zo maakte het ministerie van Immigratie en Asiel maandag bekend. Dit maakt deel uit van de anti-immigratiecampagne van de regeringscoalitie onder leiding van de Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) van Geert Wilders, aldus Reuters. De controles zijn…

Laundering of “dirty” money by criminal organizations

Laundering of “dirty” money by criminal organizations

The main goal of criminal organizations is to obtain excess profits, which should somehow be legalized (laundered). Otherwise, the meaning of their activity disappears. The definition of money laundering was proposed by the Special Financial Action Task Force (GAFI) at the UN Congress in Havana in 1990. It boils down to: โ€” changes or transfers…

The concept of transnational organized crime

The concept of transnational organized crime

The term “transnational” is usually used to denote the flow of information, money, people, and material resources across state borders. Criminal organizations also engage in operations that require the crossing of national borders. It is not for nothing that smuggling is often called the second oldest profession in the world. Thus, high profits from illegal…

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